From: Date: October 17, 2006 10:48:34 PM MDT To: Cc: 'Steve Malone' , 'Robert Harris' , 'Rod Ludvigsen' , 'William Prescott' , 'Mike Lisowski' ,, 'Marie Mee' ,, 'Karl Feaux' , 'Michael Gladwin' , 'Eric H' ,, 'Peter Frenzen' , 'Evelyn Roeloffs' Subject: [strain-int] B201 Drilling Report, Oct 16-17 2006 Site: B201 Coldwater Lithology: Sed. deposits Present depth: 60' Oct 16: 1000 Drillers set up, dig a pit to contain cuttings 1215 Start setting surface casing. Casing keeps deviating by hitting large boulders in the sediment. 1345 @40' Out of surface casing, but still not in bedrock. Drillers off-site to get more casing. Oct 17: 0845 @40' Drillers on site with 100' more 8" casing. 1000 @60' Drilling is very hard and smooth- possibly hit bedrock. 1100 @60' Tooling has been lost down-hole- drilling seemed smooth because the tool was turning on nothing. The weld on the threads to the stabilizer broke off, & bit and stabilizer & subs are lost downhole. Drillers off site to get fishing tools to try to recover the hole. PM: Unable to recover the tools. Will start a new hole near the old one tomorrow. _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: Date: October 18, 2006 10:59:14 PM MDT To: Cc: 'Steve Malone' , 'Robert Harris' , 'Rod Ludvigsen' , 'William Prescott' , 'Mike Lisowski' ,, 'Marie Mee' ,, 'Karl Feaux' , 'Michael Gladwin' , 'Eric H' ,, 'Peter Frenzen' , 'Evelyn Roeloffs' Subject: [strain-int] B201 Drilling Report, Oct 18 2006 Site: B201 Coldwater Lithology: Sedimentary deposits (1980 eruption landslide) Present depth: 120' Drillers abandoned and cemented up the hole with the tooling broken off in it, set up the rig a few feet away and started a second hole. At 120' they ran out of 8" casing before reaching bedrock, went off-site to get 200' more casing from the shop. Tomorrow, drilling will resume. _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: Date: October 19, 2006 10:21:37 PM MDT To: Cc: 'Steve Malone' , 'Robert Harris' , 'Rod Ludvigsen' , 'William Prescott' , 'Mike Lisowski' ,, 'Marie Mee' ,, 'Karl Feaux' , 'Michael Gladwin' , 'Eric H' ,, 'Peter Frenzen' , 'Evelyn Roeloffs' Subject: [strain-int] B201 Drilling Report, Oct 19 2006 Site: B201 Coldwater Lithology: Sedimentary deposits (1980 eruption landslide) Present depth: 160' Date: 10/19 0730 Drillers on site; continue to drill with 8" casing. Static water level is about 10'; same as the level of the nearby ponds. Difficulty advancing the casing; water pressure and weight of sediment are causing the overburden to collapse around casing, sand to pack around the casing. At 160' casing will no longer advance or rotate, and the metal jaws on the drill rig table break off in the attempt. Drillers cut casing, trip out tools, and leave to get materials to start mud-rotary drilling. _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: Date: October 24, 2006 10:12:19 PM MDT To: Cc: 'Steve Malone' , 'Robert Harris' , 'Rod Ludvigsen' , 'William Prescott' , 'Mike Lisowski' ,, 'Marie Mee' ,, 'Karl Feaux' , 'Michael Gladwin' , 'Eric H' ,, 'Peter Frenzen' , 'Evelyn Roeloffs' Subject: [strain-int] B201 Drilling Report, Oct 23-24 2006 Site: B201 Coldwater Lithology: Sedimentary deposits (1980 eruption landslide?) Present depth: 280' Date: 10/19 Monday 10/23: Drillers on site; set up to drill mud rotary. Repair jaws on the table of the drill rig that were broken on Friday. Start drilling and continuing to set surface casing while drilling. Tuesday 10/24: Drillers think they have hit bedrock at ~280'; switch out bits and get ready to drill open-hole air rotary with the hammer bit at 280'. The hole starts producing 100 gal/min. It had probably been producing that much water for a while, but the water was cased off, and the mud they had been using to drill with had helped seal the water off as well. Drillers set up to continue advancing casing while drilling, but their welder breaks, so they can't set the casing any deeper until they have a working welder. Inclination @280': 86.3 degrees Plan for 10/25: Return from the shop with a new welder and continue to drill. _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: Sarah Venator Date: November 1, 2006 10:31:06 PM MST To: Cc: 'Steve Malone' , 'Robert Harris' , 'Rod Ludvigsen' , 'William Prescott' , 'Mike Lisowski' ,, 'Marie Mee' ,, 'Karl Feaux' , 'Michael Gladwin' , 'Eric H' ,, 'Peter Frenzen' , 'Evelyn Roeloffs' Subject: [strain-int] B201 Drilling Report, Oct 25 2006 Date: 10/25/06 Site: B201 Coldwater Present depth: 397' (before hole abandonment) 10/25 AM: @280' Drillers on site with working welder. Continue to set casing and drill- H2O ~200 gal/min 1000 H2O is rapidly filling containment pits. Drillers enlarge containment pits and put up more silt barriers. 1100 Resume drilling. 1200 @~312' Cuttings seem to be getting finer; less large angular pieces in with the fine chips; somewhat less H2O being produced. 1320 @~340' H2O>500gal/min. After fine cuttings of 310-320', sediment suspended in the water looks grayer compared with the brown color it had been until that point. Getting into an older landslide deposit/change of formation? 1500 @397' Out of casing; still not in bedrock and still making lots of water. Trip out to check inclination. Inclination: 85.0 degrees @397'; 85.0 degrees @390'; 85.1 degrees @380', 89.7 degrees @ surface Decision is made to abandon this hole, as it is already deviating to near tolerance and making a lot of water. Plans are to mob to the Lund site in Forest Grove, OR and consider other relocations near the Coldwater site for the future. _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: Sarah Venator Date: July 12, 2007 8:14:38 PM MDT To: Cc: Subject: [Strain-int][B201] Coldwater relocate, drill report 7/12/2007 Date: 7/12/207 Site: B201 Coldwater Lithology: Andesite Present depth: 50' AM: The drillers mob from B202 Windy Ridge I leave from the south side of the mountain to cover the rig. PM: 1545 I arrive on site; drillers are at 35' with 10" surface casing set to 33'. They said they spoke to Terry with the Forest Service and had the exact location of their rig approved. They report they hit really weathered bedrock in the soil about 20', and bedrock at 30'. 1600 Switching bits and subs from 9 3/4" tricone to 8" hammer bit 1635 Drilling open hole with 8" hammer. The rock appears to be a somewhat weathered andesite- it looks brownish with slight red or green tinges, but fresher fragments are gray. 1730 @ 50' Drillers off site Note: The site is behind a locked gate that opens at 7am and closes at 6pm every day _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: Sarah Venator Date: July 13, 2007 8:30:38 PM MDT To: Subject: [Strain-int][B201] Coldwater relocate, drill report 7/12/2007 Date: 7/13/207 Site: B201 Coldwater Lithology: Andesite Present depth: 220' Note: The drillers have been getting their water for this site by filling up their water truck from a hose at the forest service maintenance building. 0715 @50' Drillers on site; drilling. 1120 @150' 100' drilled in 4 hrs 5 mins, or ~24.5ft/hr. 1400 @210' Trip out to take inclination. 190-200' sample has more reddish weathered pieces of andesite (but the reddish color looks intrinsic, not oxidized onto the outside) and calcite, growling less prevalent in the 200-210' sample. 1430 Running inclinometer 1445 Inclination: 89.5 degrees @210', 89.5 degrees @200', 89.6 degrees @ surface. Trip in. 1515 Drilling 1545 @220' Rig off. The hole is making 60gpm of water. H20 started increasing at 208', then again at a fracture zone at ~215'. The amount of water is overwhelming the silt barriers. Drillers go home for the weekend so we can figure out a containment solution to the water problem. _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: Sarah Venator Date: July 16, 2007 11:43:18 PM MDT To: Sarah Venator Cc: Subject: [Strain-int][B201] Coldwater relocate, drill report 7/16/2007 Date: 7/16/207 Site: B201 Coldwater Lithology: Andesite Present depth: 270' 1500 Drillers on site from the weekend with a rental Bobcat to build a temporary holding pond for the cuttings 1600 Holding pond built 1615 Rig on 1620 Clear hole of H20; drilling @230' 1640 @240' Cuttings are slightly softer and nearly black with some dark green altered minerals- altered basalt or basaltic andesite? 1650 @250' Cuttings have some small qtz veins. Drilling is faster; material still seems soft and with some fractures 1720 @260' Drilling is slowing down- going through a harder layer- cuttings are lighter and coarser grained andesite with visible phenocrysts of plagioclase 1745 @270' Cuttings are slightly finer overal, hard and darker with some minor quartz veining. Rig off for the night. _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: Sarah Venator Date: July 18, 2007 10:36:50 PM MDT To: Sarah Venator Cc: Subject: [Strain-int][B201] Coldwater relocate, drill report 7/17/2007 Date: 7/17/2007 Site: B201 Coldwater relocate Lithology: Andesite Current depth: 365' 0845 Drillers on site after returning Bobcat to rental yard 0900 @270' Rig on, trip in top rod. 1000 @290' 1140 @305' Rig off due to filter problems. Mark goes into Castle Rock to get replacement 1420 Filter replaced, drilling 1615 @350' 1720 @360' Note: The rock has been hard and fractured 1745 @365' Rig off for the night _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: Sarah Venator Date: July 19, 2007 12:02:33 AM MDT To: Sarah Venator Cc: Subject: [Strain-int][B201] Coldwater relocate, drill report 7/18/2007 Date: 7/18/2007 Site: B201 Coldwater relocate Lithology: Andesite Current depth: 454' 0800 @365' Rig on, drilling. Since we are approaching average casing depth, the drillers say they have enough casing with them to set it to 454' 0930 @390' 1000 @400' Seem to be in an altered layer- More greenish altered andesite with some other lithologies. One sample chip has a contact between andesitic host rock and a layer of jade green, tabular minerals and black minerals held together in a white matrix. Another, singular 1" subrounded sample- plagioclase crystals in a fine-grained reddish tan matrix, almost sandy and slightly porous looking by hand lens. Several feet lower, the sample is consistently the greenish andesite and drilling smoother. 1200 @430' 1250 @440' Samples from 420' down have been a more purple-tinged gray andesite, rather than green, and drilling smoothly 1400 @454' At target casing depth- drilling has been going smoothly from 420'. Flush hole. 1415 Trip out 1500 Trippped out, run inclinometer. Inclination: 89.9 degrees @452', 89.8 degrees @452', 89.6 degrees @442', 89.9 degrees @ surface 1530 Set up to weld 6" casing 1730 Casing @180' Plans for tomorrow: Finish setting the casing to 454'. A cement truck is scheduled to come at noon. _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: Date: July 19, 2007 11:41:33 PM MDT To: Sarah Venator Cc: Subject: [Strain-int][B201] Coldwater relocate, drill report 7/19/2007 Date: 7/19/2007 Site: B201 Coldwater relocate Lithology: Andesite Current depth: 450' 0730 Drillers on site, finish welding casing. 1020 Casing set to 450'- this is 4' short of expected. Some combination of rock falling in from the fracture zone around 220-215' and the lack of using foamer to lift the cuttings out might be responsible. Trip in drill pipe to pump cement through. 1115 Tripped in, waiting on cement truck 1230 Cement truck on site 1240 Pumping cement 1310 Cement pumped. Some was lost in the water-producing zone about halfway up the casing. The very last cement was pumped in from the surface down. Pull 10" surface casing up. Plans for tomorrow: Start drilling out the cement at about 8am, and drill 6" open hole below casing _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: Date: July 21, 2007 9:58:35 AM MDT To: Cc: Subject: [Strain-int][B201] Coldwater relocate, drill report 7/20/2007 Date: 7/20/2007 Site: B201 Coldwater Relocate Lithology: Andesite and pyroclastic deposits Current depth: 600' 0800 Trip in 0900 Cement is at 350'- 100' inside of casing. 5.5 yards were pumped yesterday down the hole. Drilling with 6" hammer 1005 Drilling on aluminum shoe 1115 Through shoe, drilling at 450' 1210 @500'H20 from above has been sealed off by the cementing of the casing 1245 @520' Drilling faster, samples below 520' appear to be volcaniclastic rather than andesitic. Samples below 520' have a fine matrix and coarse sand to gravel sized angular lithic fragments and minerals 1320 @560' 550' and 560' samples are both some sort of lithified ash deposits, finer than the 520-540' samples in clast size, with samples being minerals rather than lithic fragments. 1335 @570' Samples look to be a chlorite-rich altered andesite, drilling harder than previously 1345 @580' Samples have reverted to pyroclastic, but still hard 1410 @600' Drillers are out of drill pipe. Flush hole before leaving for the weekend to get 100' more pipe. Plans for next week: Finish drilling the last 100' with the rotary rig, then the coring rig should be coming shortly to finish the hole. _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: Sarah Venator Date: July 25, 2007 4:21:32 PM MDT To: Cc: Subject: [Strain-int][B201] Coldwater relocate, drill report 7/23/2007 Date: 7/23/2007 Site: B201 Coldwater relocate Lithology: Andesite and pyroclastics Current depth: 700' 0910 Drillers on site; offloading last 100' of drill pipe 0930 @600' Drilling with 6" hammer 0946 @620' 1005 @630' Cuttings are dark gray-green, very fine textured with a very fine (<1mm) shatter texture of hair-thin veins. Drilling is still smooth. 1018 @640' Cuttings are fine, medium green-gray, probably still an ash deposit, now without shattered texture 1042 @650' Penetration rate has slowed; back into andesite 1059 @660' Andesite is more weathered and purply from ~656' to present 1110 @666' Frx zone? Some chatter on drill bit 1114 @669' Drilling smoother 1115 @670' Samples are still looking reddish and oxidized 1127 @680' Samples are gray, dark red & greeenish 1145 @690' Andesite is gray again 1155 @695' Cuttings are turning redder and oxidized again, still andesitic 1202 @700' Gray andesite. Flush hole. 1302 Holes has been flushed with 1000gal of H20 for 1 hr. Well is producing ~2gpm H20. Trip out. 1445 Inclination at 700': 89.1 degrees. @690': 89.2 degrees. @680': 89.4 degrees. @ surface: 89.4 degrees Future plans: In the next few weeks, a coring rig should be available to mob onto the site and core the bottom, up to another 100', before drilling is completed. _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: "Steve Alm" Date: August 22, 2007 8:49:25 AM MDT To: , , , Subject: [strain-int] [B201A] Coring Report, Coldwater/Maint Yard USFS, 8/21/07 Reply-To: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 Coldwater/Maint Yard USFS B201A  TP&D – Clint and Eric Depth – 706’   0830 DOS, begin to move over hole 1645 begin turning rods, 703’ 1800 tripping out barrel, 706’ 1830 first run is 3’ and almost completely intact, only broke while being removed from shoe, core diameter is reduced near top of run due to drill chatter, will log and re-photograph in the morning   Note: I attached a photo of the first run of core, more to come.  I also met with park ranger George Leite at the north shore station of lake Quinault.  We went to the site together and discussed some of our procedures and how certain things should be handled i.e. cuttings, water, etc…   Alternative water sources that could be made available after a possible donation to a local fire department?  Aside from that he seemed very open to letting us put our instrument wherever we wanted in the field area as long as we respected the 150’ radial boundary surrounding the NOAA weather station.  The other pic is for a possible site location with the NOAA power drop to underground about ten feet to my left.  My only concern was for VSAT signal, should it be set away a distance equal to the height of the tallest tree in the group possibly blocking the signal or some other rule?    _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: "Steve Alm" Date: August 22, 2007 11:18:45 PM MDT To: , , , Subject: [strain-int] [B201] Coring Report, Coldwater/Maint Yard USFS, 8/22/07 Reply-To: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 Coldwater/Maint Yard USFS B201 TP&D – Clint and Eric Depth: 710’ Lithology: Andesite   0800 DOS, doing more maintenance 1045 begin drilling R2, at 706’ 1330 at 710’, start getting some heavy chatter on the rods, trip out core barrel, R2, 100 percent rcd, 95 percent rqd.  TP&D says they have another one at the yard so they start tearing the out the bad tranny. 1900 Talk to Clint on the phone, says they’ll be back in the morning     _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: "Steve Alm" Date: August 23, 2007 10:10:35 PM MDT To: , , , Subject: [strain-int] [B201] Coring Report, Coldwater/Maint Yard USFS Reply-To: Thursday, August 23, 2007 Coldwater/Maint Yard USFS B201 TP&D – Clint and Eric Depth: 710’ Lithology: Andesite   0700 DOS, start work on transmission 1030 Tran. Is in getting ready to drill 1130 Still getting the same amount of chatter, start tripping out to check bit and rods 1530 All tripped out, bit is good but reamer shell is cracked, needs to be removed and inspected on the inside 1730 Reamer shell is shot, have to order a new one, should arrive over the weekend, and work should resume Monday      _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: "Steve Alm" Date: August 28, 2007 8:33:20 PM MDT To: , , , Subject: [strain-int] [B201] Coring Report, Coldwater/Maint Yard USFS Reply-To: Tuesday, August 28, 2007          Coldwater/Maint Yard USFS B201 TP&D – Clint and Eric Depth: 714’ Lithology: Andesite   Note: Drilllers arrived last night around 1600 and started to trip back in for the morning.   0700 DOS, continue tripping in, also have to set up a tub, pump, and compressor to help lift the cuttings 1000 start turning rods, still has some wobble to it. 1400 at 714’, bit clogged, blew a hose, trip out barrel, check core, diameter of core is changing constantly but is typically much smaller than it should be and has a lot of horizontal mechanical breaks 1600 slow down the rpm’s, lose some wobble, pentration is down to ~4”/hr, 1900 at 717-8’, call it a day Note: Continue tomorrow _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: "Steve Alm" Date: August 29, 2007 10:26:33 PM MDT To: , , , Subject: [strain-int] [B201] coring report, coldwater/maint yard USFS Reply-To: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 Coldwater/maint yard USFS        B201 TP&D – Clint and Eric Depth: 727’ Lithology: Andesite, possibly basaltic andesite   0700 DOS, trip core core barrel back in, resume drilling 0900 Bit keeps getting clogging and cutting off circulation 1000 five feet off bottom, trying to regain circulation and lift all the cuttings 1230 trip out core barrel, R4, 719’-724’ 1315 flushing hole 1400 trip core barrel back in 1800 inner barrel locks into outer barrel and has to be pulled free, cable is frayed in the process and has to be replaced   _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: "Steve Alm" Date: August 30, 2007 8:09:44 PM MDT To: , , , Subject: [strain-int] [B201] Coring Report, Coldwater/Maint Yard USFS Reply-To: Thursday, August 30, 2007 Coldwater/Maint Yard USFS B201 TP&D – Clint and Eric Depth: 727’ Lithology: Andesite/basaltic andesite   0700 DOS, continue tripping out 1030 courier from TP&D arrives with materials to repair main line 1200 start tripping back in 1520 tripped in, flush hole to check circulation 1700 start turning rods, slow penetration   Note: drilling will continue tomorrow _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: Liz Van Boskirk Date: September 5, 2007 7:16:39 AM MDT To: Cc: Subject: [strain-int] [B201] Coring Report, Coldwater/Maint Yard USFS 9/4/07 4 September 2007 Coldwater/Maint Yard USFS B201 TP&D – Eric and Jacob Depth: 727’ Lithology: Andesite/basaltic andesite 9am call James; Drillers are waiting for the arrival of a new bit. 1500 drillers tripping out drill pipe; I return to site 1600-1700 packing up core materials 1730 All supplies core related are loaded up and ready to go, begin switching rigs; I leave site Tomorrow: Arrive with drill pipe and complete drilling the hole -- Elizabeth Van Boskirk, M.S. Strainmeter Field Engineer I 303.325.4601 _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: Liz Van Boskirk Date: September 6, 2007 10:47:39 PM MDT To: Liz Van Boskirk , Cc: Subject: [strain-int] [B201] Coring Report, Coldwater/Maint Yard USFS 9/6/07 6 September 2007 Coldwater/Maint Yard USFS B201 TP&D – Eric and Jacob Depth: 800’ Lithology: Andesite/basaltic andesite 1315 Drillers on site (I arrive) bit plugged and they are clearing it out 1430 @720' begin drilling 1815 @800' turn over with water (rough estimate time; vehicle moved beyond locked gate and left watch in car) 1845 water is murky; let rig cool down (rough estimate time) 1900 rig off Tomorrow: clean hole, trip out, and move/trade drill rig for core rig Drillers are taking the weekend off. -- Elizabeth Van Boskirk, M.S. Strainmeter Field Engineer I 303.325.4601 _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list From: Liz Van Boskirk Date: September 7, 2007 5:07:26 PM MDT To: Liz Van Boskirk , Cc: Subject: [strain-int] [B201] Coring Report, Coldwater/Maint Yard USFS 9/7/07 7 September 2007 Coldwater/Maint Yard USFS B201 TP&D – Eric and Jacob Depth: 800’ Lithology: Andesite/basaltic andesite 1000 beginning to trip out drill pipe (I arrive) 1200 tripped out and take an inclination @800' which is at 89.2 degrees Drillers begin to clean up and load up. They will cut off the excess casing and wield on the flange. The drill rig will go back to Tacoma Pump and Drill. Drillers are taking the weekend off and will speak with James before moving to Patterson. Notes: Used a button bit and drilled on water. 20' of stabilizers behind bit. Hole was flushed by pumping water through bit downward to 800'. While drilling from 720-800' there was a reoccurring sequence of drilling through soft to gradually harder rock, then back to soft. Eric said the softer rock could be fractured. The Core boxes are at the site. I spoke with one of the forest Rangers and he directed me to Duane Chatham for lining up an arrangement for electricity. He is out until Monday, the 10th of September. He can be reached at 360-274-2132. -- Elizabeth Van Boskirk, M.S. Strainmeter Field Engineer I 303.325.4601 _______________________________________________ strain-int mailing list